Kingston: K&P Trail

South Eastern Ontario / Sud-est de l'Ontario

Experience a ride following what was once the Kingston and Pembroke Railway on what is now the K&P Trail, cycling a distance that best suits your style. For a trail-only experience, there are a number of designated parking areas north of the urban area. The trail can also be enjoyed from downtown Kingston, using some on-road connections and city trails, following K&P Trail signs.

From Lake Ontario and the Great Cataraqui River, the trail meanders northwards and under Highway 401 using a dedicated trail tunnel. Follow the tree-lined, well-maintained path, spotting evidence of rail activity that ceased in the 1980s. Pass picturesque wetlands and farm fields, cross bridges, and ride through limestone rock cuts. If you pedal as far as Harrowsmith, the trail connects with the Cataraqui Trail east and west or continues north. Enjoy any distance and return to Kingston to discover all the city has to offer, downtown and along the waterfront.

Cycling route

10km to 69km


Easy to moderate